Personal information protection code You are in the English version

(in compliance with Decree Law No. 196 of 30th June 2003 - Personal Information Protection Code)

Dear Customer,

On January 1st, 2004, Decree Law 196/03 came into force, introducing the new "Personal Information Protection Code" Under art. 13 of this law every Company, as Owner of Data Processing operations, is required to provide adequate information on management of personal information.

The law requires that the interested party to whom the personal information being processed refer must be informed in advance regarding the following points:

1) origin of the personal information The personal information is usually collected from communications made by the interested party, in certain cases the information may be collected from third parties authorized by the person in question.

2) sensitive personal information
For the purpose of its own activities, our Company does not process information that is classified as sensitive.
The law defines sensitive information as follows: “personal information liable to reveal the racial and ethnic origin, the religious, philosophical or other convictions, the political opinions, the membership of political parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union nature, and personal information liable to reveal the state of health and sexual activities”.
The Law requires specific consent to process this type of information.
Processing of this type of data, should it become necessary, will not take place without the prior consent of the interested party.


3) purposes of information processing
The personal information supplied by you in person as the interested party, or through third parties, is processed for purposes relating to:
proposals, setup, continuation and performance of contractual relations relating to commercial services in general.

In particular, you are informed that:


a) The information is processed in relation to contractual needs and consequent fulfillment of legal and contractual requirements deriving therefrom, and to allow efficient management of commercial relations

b) The information is processed according to the company's Programmatic Security Document (P.S.D.), and in any case in compliance with Italian law.

c) The above mentioned information may be processed in electronic or paper form by our internal management system, for administrative, organizational, insurance, legal, internal control and statistical purposes;


4) data processing methods
The personal information is processed using manual, information technology and telematic instruments, with logics strictly related to the purposes indicated above, and in any case in such a way as to guarantee the confidentiality and safety of the information itself at all times, and includes – in compliance with the limits and conditions set by law– all the operations or sets of operations required for the processing in question, including communication to the individuals indicated in point 6 below.



5) extent of communication and/or diffusion of the information
Your personal information may be made known to those responsible for processing in our company and in third party companies charged with performing one or more operations relating to processing itself. The information will not be diffused in any way, but may be communicated in order to pursue the aims indicated above. Without prejudice to communications made in compliance with legal and contractual requirements, the information may be communicated to:


Information Processing Managers and officers

Transport and shipping companies

Credit Insurance companies

Other customers connected to enjoyment of the goods or service

State, Regional and Local Administrative Bodies (Communal and/or Provincial)

Credit recovery companies and Credit Institutes

Agents, promoters and collaborators, including external parties

Systems maintenance, servicing and safety companies

Professions and professional associations, for service/consultancy purposes

Any Companies/Enterprises, private legal entities with agreements

The individuals to whom the information may be communicated will use the information in their capacity as Owners of the Data Processing operations, in a fully independent manner according to Law, being unconnected with the original processing carried out in our Company, except for any individuals specifically appointed by us.

6) rights under Article 7
With regard to the information itself, you are hereby entitled to exercise the rights foreseen by art. 7 of Decree Law 196/2003 which are summarized below:

Art. 7
(Right to access personal information and other rights)


The person in question has the right to obtain confirmation of whether of not personal data regarding him or herself exists, even if it has not yet been recorded, and communication thereof in intelligible form.


The interested party is entitled to obtain indications:


of the origin of the personal information;


of the purposes and processing methods;


of the logic applied in the case of processing with the aid of electronic tools;


of the identification of the owner, persons responsible and representative designated under article 5, paragraph 2;


of the individuals or categories of individuals to whom the personal information may be communicated or who may come into possession of said information as designated representative within the State confines, persons responsible or officers in charge.


The interested party is entitled to obtain:


updating, correction or, should he or she wish to do so, completion of the information;


cancellation, transformation to an anonymous form or blockage of information processed in violation of the law, including information that is not required to be stored for the purpose of the operations for which the information was originally collected or subsequently processed;


certification that the operations under letters a) and b) above, and the contents thereof, have been made known to those to whom the information has been notified or passed on, unless fulfillment of this requirement is found to be impossible or to involve the use of means obviously disproportionate to protection of the right in question.


The interested party is entitled to oppose, fully or in part:


for legitimate reasons, processing of the personal information that relates to him or herself, even though such data may be pertinent in relation to the aims of the data collection;


processing of his or her personal informational for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales materials or to carry out market research or for commercial communications.


For further information on processing and communication of your personal information, please contact:

Opera Srl - Tel 0039 059 451708 - E-mail:


ОPЕRА - Via Somalia 15 - 41100 Modena - Italy